Play reminiscent of REAL Odd Fellows Lodges that dotted state
Dear Editor,
I read the article in The McCook Gazette and one news item that really stood out was: ““Oddfellows Local 151 25th Annual Bingo Night and Spaghetti Feed” Thursday night at Sehnert’s Bakery.” I am pleased that the theater actors are conducting tryouts now, rehearsals in August, and Spaghetti and BINGO for the audience in September and October. Having family in Cambridge and surrounding area, I have had many family members who were members of the real Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F. Lodge and its female auxiliary, the Rebekah ladies group).
My late grandmother Dora (White) Marples was just one year away from getting her 60-year membership jewel when she died in 1977. In bygone times, Odd Fellow lodges dotted almost every town in Nebraska and most of America. The Odd Fellows traced their origins back to Manchester, England, and spread to America and gained a reputation for doing “good acts of kindness randomly” for no reason, for anyone in need.
Due to altruism or random kindness being considered odd or unique — they became known as “Odd Fellows Lodges”. Those groups are NOT affiliated with the Masonic Lodges although the two groups are similar, in uplifting good moral character.
I am glad that the “theatrical play” portrays them in a good light. I ought to know, since I am a 4th-Generation Odd Fellow member myself.
A fraternal group can be equated to a ‘friendship society. The Odd Fellows are unique and I hope the cast members and audiences enjoy the play in the coming months.
James Marples,
Longview, Texas