Observations from your State Board of Education representative
Dear Editor,
Last Friday, the Nebraska State Board of Education met at the Kearney Younes Conference Center for its monthly business meeting. The early part of the meeting was highlighted by testimony from approximately 67 people who presented on the Nebraska Health Education Standards.
While pleased with the turnout and much of the information brought forth by passionate individuals, I was also discouraged by those who believe falsehoods about these standards.
The standards WERE NOT highly influenced by:
-- Political leftists
-- Economic socialists
-- Political activists
-- The standards WERE NOT:
-- Financed by Planned Parenthood
-- Financed by Black Lives Matter
-- Part of a worldwide plan to sexualize children
-- Developed by ideas of Critical Race Theory
-- Required by the Federal Government
-- The Nebraska Department of Education DID NOT:
-- Provide sexually explicit, graphic materials
-- Create an online survey to make it difficult for people to give negative feedback
I do not know where these thoughts are coming from, but whatever individual or organization is spreading these false narratives, they need to stop. It continues to cause division that is harmful to all of us.
Moving forward, I do know the State Board of Education sent the “first draft” of the Nebraska Health Education Standards back for modifications and rewrites. I also know the following are truths related to the “second draft” (and more if necessary) of the standards:
They WILL BE designed to:
-- Encourage parent, caregivers, families and communities to seek positive relationships between students and trusted adults
-- Promote dignity, respect, kindness, and compassion through equitable health education for all Nebraska students
-- Maintain and improve student health
-- Advocate for self and others
-- Prevent diseases
-- Avoid and reduce health-related risk behaviors
-- Maintain and improve lifelong health
-- Prevent sexual abuse
-- Prevent dating violence
Special note: The survey seeking input on the first draft of the Health Education Standards has been removed from the NDE website. Since the first draft is moot, the survey is no longer relevant.
There is, however, an opportunity for general input via the email address that is found near the beginning of the NDE website.
I look forward to the “second draft” of the Nebraska Health Education Standards. I also appreciate your continued interest and feedback in this very important area of education.
Robin Stevens
District #7
Representative to the State Board of Education