County plans for summer work, improving security

Monday, April 19, 2021

McCOOK, Neb. — Red Willow County Commissioners are gearing up for road projects and a bridge this summer, and plan to install security cameras in the courthouse.

Meeting with David Blau of Miller & Associates Monday morning, the board voted 2-0, to accept a bid of $3,500 for hydraulic and design studies to replace a bridge north of Bartley with a culvert.

The contract included hourly rates for additional services should they be necessary. Commissioner Carla Richards was absent because of an illness in the family.

Blau also agreed to gather more information in preparation for summer armor coating projects and appear at next Monday’s meeting, 9:30 a.m. Red Willow County typically resurfaces about 10 miles of paved road per year.

Projects planned for this year include seven miles of road north of Indianola and about three miles south of McCook from Common Scents toward the city water treatment plant.

Commissioner Randy Dean expressed concern about the condition of pavement on roads north and south of Indianola and suggested if the pavement could not be maintained, especially on the south road, it might be better to return the road to gravel.

Chief Deputy Joe Koetter spoke to commissioners about proposed security cameras in the courthouse, but it was hoped a bid could be received from the company that supplied the security system n the county jail. A company that provided new security cameras at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds is under consideration for the courthouse bid.

The county accepted a bid of $70,000 from Central Plains Valuation LLC for commercial reappraisal in the county. The bid was some $23,000 lower than another bidder and $51,000 lower than the county’s previous appraisal service.

The winning bidder’s willingness to spread payments over two years helped tip the scales in their favor. Representatives of the company were expected to visit the county Tuesday, and notification cards are being sent out to businesses this week.

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