Physical Therapy clinic provides treatment for the whole person

Friday, March 12, 2021
Staff at Elevate Wellness and Physical Therapy include, from left, Shayne Vaught, owner Emily Young, PT, DPT, CLC, and Ashley Broomfield. The business, located at 801 West C Street, Suite 3, will host an open house on Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m.
Shary Skiles/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. - Elevate Wellness and Physical Therapy offers physical therapy services, and so much more. The beautifully decorated office opened in late February at 801 West C Street, Suite 3. Staff includes owner Emily Young, PT, DPT, CLC, as well as Shayne Vaught and Ashley Broomfield. The space also includes a Reformer Pilates Studio with instructor Katie Farrell. See Tuesday’s Gazette for a story on Katie.

Elevate will be hosting an open house on Thursday, March 18 from 4 to 7 p.m. and encourages everyone to come to the office, check out the facilities and meet the staff.

Emily Young, PT, DPT, CLC, had a dream and a calling to open a physical therapy clinic that treated the whole person, not just a particular physical ailment. She strives to look at her patients’ mental, physical, and spiritual well being while helping them to restore or maintain physical functioning.

Entering the space, visitors are greeted by word art that reads, “The world needs who you were meant to be” and another one that reads, “You matter”. Those words sum up Emily’s philosophy -- providing encouragement to patients and making them know they are valued. “We are here for them and we want to offer them a service that will make their lives better,” Emily said.

Emily graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center – Omaha with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2012. After graduation, she worked in Cozad, Neb. for several years, but wanted to move to McCook where her husband, Jeremy, grew up.

Emily and Jeremy have a six-year-old son and three-year old triplets, two boys and a girl, and they wanted to raise their family in a small community. Emily said their church, McCook Christian Church, was a key factor in deciding to move to McCook.

Emily has an intense desire to help women in all stages of life. She specializes in pelvic health, which provides treatment for incontinence, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and pelvic organ prolapse. Prenatal and postnatal care is also of special interest to Emily. She has taken advanced courses to be a postpartum corrective exercise specialist. Postmenopausal incontinence, pain with intercourse, and pelvic floor pain are other ailments that Emily has extended study and specialization in. She also provides breastfeeding education.

“Women often don’t bring some of these issues up when they see their primary care provider,” Emily said. “But they are very prevalent issues and there are definitely ways that physical therapy can help.”

The specialized services offered at Elevate Wellness and Physical Therapy are not often found in small communities in rural Nebraska.

Emily has advanced training and is certified in Functional Dry Needling, a technique that involves using thin single filament needles to manage nerve, muscle pain and movement impairments. She has practiced almost nine years in a rural Nebraska critical access Physical Therapy setting, so she is also highly skilled in treating all orthopedic conditions as well. 

Services at Elevate are not reliant on having a primary care provider’s referral. While insurance companies will not pay for services unless referred by a primary care provider, Emily says there are benefits to seeking treatment through private pay. “We’re not restricted by insurance companies that say you can only be seen for certain things, or limited by the number of visits.

Through private pay, we can treat for whatever you need when you walk through the door.” Health Savings Account funds can be used to pay for private-pay services. Insurance does pay for any services that are prescribed by a primary care provider, depending on coverage and deductibles.

Emily points out that physical therapists have a doctorate level education which gives them the expertise to differentiate between ailments that can be treated through physical therapy and issues that may require a different type of provider to treat.

“If we suspect that an ache or pain is the result of something that requires treatment other than physical therapy, we don’t hesitate to refer patients back to their primary care provider,” Emily said.

Elevate has a HIPPA- compliant patient portal that allows patients to book appointments, send a private message, review home exercise programs, print off invoices and pay bills.

The office space includes two private patient rooms, a full gym with bicycles, treadmills, parallel bars, weights, and a traction room for nerve-related pain in the neck and back. Emily’s father-in-law, Delton Young, and her husband Jeremy renovated the space. Emily also got help from various other family members.

Future dreams include offering mental health and lifestyle counseling including addiction and substance abuse, and health and wellness counseling.

“We just want to focus on the whole person,” Emily said.

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