Merchants urged to accept Chamber Bucks

Thursday, December 17, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. – Over $20,000 in McCook Chamber of Commerce Chamber Bucks have been issued in December.

The McCook Chamber of Commerce would like to encourage local merchants to accept Chamber Bucks. Chamber Bucks are checks that are offered in $5, 10, and $25 increments.

“We do not restrict any local business from accepting Chamber Bucks,” said Dawson Brunswick, McCook Chamber of Commerce President. “Chamber Bucks are issued with a routing and account number and will process like any other check when you process your deposit.

The purpose of Chamber Bucks is to keep money in our local economy and support our businesses, and they are honored regardless of chamber member status.”

Chamber Bucks can be purchased from the chamber. Chamber Bucks are issued by the McCook Chamber of Commerce with the deposits held at Horizon Bank and MNB Bank, both of McCook.

If your financial institution would like to serve as a depository for Chamber Bucks, please contact the chamber.

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