Busy fairgrounds

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. -- More than 400 vendors were getting ready for visitors at the McCook Farm, Ranch & Hemp Expo early Wednesday, but the long line was at the TestNebraska COVID-19 testing session at the merchants building on the Red Willow County Fairgrounds. Masks and social distancing are requested at the expo, which continues to 7 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday.

Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
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  • I am unable to access the event safety plan for the farm and ranch expo on the SWNE Public Health website. Is this an approved event? I want to see it. The above photos illustrate the ignorance of this Health District and community. No masks visible. It is insanity for this event to continue, 2 days, "400 vendors", a couple thousand visitors? Mayor, Council, City Manager, Health Dept, WHERE IS OUR LEADERSHIP? Mr. Lyons is right, head up to the Fairgrounds and FAN THE FLAMES!!

    -- Posted by tallinthesaddle on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 11:47 AM
  • Having this event is indeed insane. In Tuesdays edition the SWNPHD stated, and I quote "all gatherings and events are strongly discouraged until the risk dial is no longer in the red." Truly insane!

    -- Posted by mortholefarms on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 2:37 PM
  • so much for discouraging events. wont believe anything out of the Health dept again.

    -- Posted by cyberlefty on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 3:18 PM
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