Letter to the Editor

We need masks, not laws

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dear Editor,

I agree with anyone who says we don't need laws to tell us we HAVE to wear masks to keep from getting Covid. When the Spanish Flu was wiping out a huge swath of the world's population back in 1918, laws were put in place requiring mask wearing once they realized how much masks helped.

But we live in a different time and have benefit of advanced science and better, faster communication to inform the public about how to beat a deadly global pandemic. What we desperately do need instead of laws is good, reliable, honest information. We need for everyone to be well-informed about this deadly virus and not misled by dangerous misinformation.

Americans are smart people who want to do the right thing to protect everyone. We need to be as safe as we can be, and that involves everyone's understanding of some very important facts including that simple mask wearing by everyone in enclosed spaces definitely helps keep the virus from spreading.

Granted, most people will be just fine with this virus. However, whether or not we feel personally vulnerable to Covid is irrelevant because we want to do what we can to protect people who are at high risk of getting the virus and from dying. Since wearing a mask accomplishes that, then that is what we will do.

I have faith that Americans will figure this out and will do the right thing for all Americans, and that is wearing masks until this is over.

Sincerely and hopefully,

Patricia Holder

Wauneta, Nebrask

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  • Probably best to have a law. Puts everyone on the same page. Like speed limit laws are useful.You wouldn't want to just leave it to people's innate sense of right and wrong or common goodness to guide them as to their driving speed. And, skip the law stuff. Best to have a mask law if you want people to wear masks.

    -- Posted by bob s on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 1:01 PM
  • To bob s: Thank you for reading my letter and taking time to comment. Normally I would totally agree with you that we need laws to protect people, but in this nation right now, our enacting laws in what has weirdly become a political divide seems to be driving a wedge BETWEEN people. The talk I hear often is,"Nobody is going to make me wear a mask." I am hopeful that people will not have to be made to wear masks, but will volunteer to wear them to protect others. I am just trying to find common ground, as naive as that probably is, so we can work together to solve this problem that affects all of us. I don't want to see us set up more confrontational scenarios, and mask laws, especially in red states, seem to do that. Thanks again and I certainly understand exactly what you said.

    -- Posted by respect2 on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 2:59 PM
  • I have to agree with not having more laws as the government has enough overreach in our daily lives as it is. However, your statement "Americans are smart people who want to do the right thing to protect everyone" couldn't be farther from the truth. People "say" they want to do right however I personally know several individuals who have tested positive and yet still go to work, go out to eat, go to the lake with friends. Thankfully, I work in a setting that is respectful, socially distance, online shop and home. Do I see my family, yes but they too respect the social distance aspect of this all. People have the attitude that they are invincible. Sadly, we are not.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 4:36 PM
  • I think if they made it a law, most people would comply. And, that would be better for everyone. Including the rebels. They can remove the law once the problem is over. It's not a big thing.

    -- Posted by bob s on Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 6:36 PM
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