McCook golfers hit career bests at Lexington

Monday, September 14, 2020

LEXINGTON, Neb. — McCook High varsity golfers all rolled to career bests during their best tournament so far this season at Friday's Lexington Invitational.

Senior Kaylie Puckett shot 89 and was just one stroke from reaching the top 15 medalists in a tourney featuring 60 varsity players from 11 schools.

Sophomore Chayse Friehe stepped up to fire 113 while Joslyn Dwyer and Janessa Dwyer both finished at 117.

Together, they helped the Bison total a season-best 436 which just nine strokes behind Cozad's Haymakers (427).

North Platte won the team title with 308 while Scottsbluff finished second at 316. More details will appear in Tuesday's McCook Gazette.

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