Latest Heritage Hills Men's League results

Friday, August 14, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. — Red Willow Aviation doubled its A league points lead and Hauxwell Motors maintained B League leadership during week three in the second half of Heritage Hills Men’s League golf Wednesday evening.

A League

Red Willow Aviation 69

McCook Lettering 65

Studio 205 58.5

Arrow/Kohl Auto 57

Samway/Michaelis 55

Old Sarge’s Bar 54

Gary Thompson Agcy48.5

Golight 46.5

Hightest Ag 44

Coppermill/Loop 42.5

B League

Hauxwell Motors 61.5

Pinnacle Bank 59.5

MNB Financial Group 59

Mead Lumber/CTE 57.5

Murphy’s Cafe 56

T Pinkal Construction 52.5

Community Hospital 52.5

KC Electric 48

First Central Bank 44.5

The flag prize winners for week three Wednesday night:

Long putt on hole No. 1: Jim Stewart.

Closest to the pin on No. 7: Brett Melchert.

Closest to the pin on No. 16: Dwayne Jesse.

Long putt on No. 18: Derek Sailors.

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