Grand opening celebrates second childcare initiative from 'Jump Start'
McCOOK, Neb. -- A joint effort between several local entities aimed at improving childcare access in the area received another boost this week with the grand opening this Tuesday of BlessEng’s Childcare at 1233 Norris Avenue, the location of a former church and parsonage.
In January the McCook Economic Development Corp. launched the New Childcare Provider Jump Start program, which provided scholarships to take an online eight-week course in March through McCook Community College on how to run a childcare business. After completing the course, individuals were eligible to apply for a $3,000 grant to start a childcare business in the McCook area with the condition that they stays open for at least two years or a portion of the money must be paid back.
Chelsy Eng of BlessEng’s Childcare and Amanda Mullin, owner of Young Bison Childcare, are two entrepreneurs who took the classes at MCC and have been working with the MEDC, the City of McCook, the planning commission, and the Mid-Plains Community and Business Education Department to jump start their childcare ventures.
Mullin purchased Kingdom Kids Christian Daycare at 409 West Q, with a revolving loan fund for GAP funding through the MEDC for the purchase. The GAP financing and Jump Start Program allowed Mullin to fill the childcare void with previous owner Kim Tietz retiring.
Both Eng and Mullin also worked with the city council and McCook Planning Commission to get approval for zoning, which for Eng, included adding additional parking spaces. Eng, who has room for 30 children, is also using the former church’s parsonage as her residence.
Andy Long, McCook Economic Development Corp said he believed this is a fantastic use of the revolving loan program for an area childcare.
“It’s something we desperately need,” he said.