MPCC outlines precautions for reopening

Thursday, July 16, 2020

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. -- All MPCC campuses – those in McCook, North Platte, Broken Bow, Imperial, Ogallala and Valentine – are now reopened after being closed to the public March 30 to limit exposure to COVID-19.

While they have reopened, there are new safeguards in place.

The following doors will be open:

West main entrance of McMillen Hall in McCook

North main entrance of von Riesen in McCook

South main entrance of W.W. Wood on the North Campus in North Platte

South main entrance of McDonald-Belton on the South Campus in North Platte

Main entrances at all community campuses

Under the new protocol, visitors will be required to wear face masks before entering college facilities. Once inside, they must check in at the Welcome Centers or front desks. There, they will go through a screening process, during which, visitors will be asked to provide identification and a phone number.

Students with student IDs will continue to be screened in class. All students without IDs will be screened at the Welcome Centers or front desks.

Upon successful completion of the screening, visitors will be provided with a dated and initialed sticker to be worn in a visible location so others in the building know they have been screened.

MPCC will continue to adhere to the gathering limits outlined in the governor’s Directed Health Measures. The college will also continue to encourage employees and the public to wash hands often, maintain social distancing and stay home if sick.

Any questions or needs that be can be addressed virtually can be called in to the following numbers:

McCook - (308) 345-8101

North Platte North - (308) 535-3601

North Platte South - (308) 535-3701

More information about the college’s response to coronavirus can be found online at

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