Memorial Park garage put on hold

Thursday, April 23, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. —A new garage at Memorial Park Cemetery will be put on hold for the time being.

Bids for a 30 by 40 foot garage exceeded the budgeted amount for the facility, with Chipperfield AG Erectors at $78,820 and Scott Martin Construction, $128,270.

Both bids were rejected. Kyle Potthoff, City of McCook Public Works Director, said a new garage will be put on the back burner for the rest of the year and the city will re-assess the situation during the next budget cycle.

Potthoff said the new garage was needed to store city equipment. Equipment is now being stored at the current facility as well as at the airport, he said. This includes a mini excavator, lawn mowers, two pickups, a tractor and other equipment.

As a consent agenda item, the McCook City Council received information about the bids for the garage Monday night, along with other consent agenda items. The council unanimously approved all consent agenda items without discussion.

These items were:

-Approve the agreement between the City of McCook and Red Willow County for the city to provide dispatch services to Red Willow County Sheriff’s Department: The city has provided dispatch services to the Red Willow County Sheriff’s office for many years, per a written agreement. The agreement was updated March 23, 2020, to continue services, approved and signed by Red Willow County Commissioner, Earl McNutt. The agreement states the county will pay the city $67,303 per year, or $5,608.58 per month, for the term of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

-Grant a Waiver of Payment in Lieu of Taxes to the McCook Housing Agency. The waiver is required from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is presented annually to the council.

-Approve an addendum to the existing rental lease between the City of McCook and the Southwest Nebraska Community Theater Association: In the existing lease, SWNCTA leases a portion of the basement at the city auditorium. The addendum will include insurance provisions that are not in the original lease.

-Approve a lease between the City of McCook and the SWNCTA to allow occupation and use of the southeast portion of the city auditorium: As requested by City Councilman Gene Weedin and SWNCTA member at the April 6 council meeting, this will allow the theater group to store costumes at the auditorium near the stage area.

From the regular agenda, the council approved two ordinances on the second of three required readings:

- City of McCook Policies, Section 31.56 - Sale or Conveyance of Property: allows to the city to auction property.

- Ordinance No. 2020-3006 amending Chapter 30:  Government Officials, Section 30.002 - Bonds Required: bonding amounts required for the city council are aligned with state statute.

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