Governor plans State of the State town hall meeting here Jan. 16

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. -- Gov. Pete Ricketts plans a town hall meeting in McCook Thursday, Jan. 16, as part of his State of the State fly around.

It will be 8 a.m. at Sehnert’s Bakery, 312 Norris Ave. in McCook.

“Nebraskans are invited to join Governor Ricketts during his upcoming State of the State fly around,” said Taylor Gage, the Governor’s Director of Strategic Communications. “This is a great opportunity to hear an update on how our state is growing, and about the Governor’s plans for property tax relief during the 2020 legislative session. The Governor looks forward to visiting directly with you about how we can move our state forward together.”

The Governor will make remarks before taking questions. This event is open to the public.

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