Meal reimbursement increased at senior center

Friday, June 7, 2019

McCOOK, Neb. — Federal reimbursements for meals at the Heritage Senior Center will be increased slightly.

The McCook City Council Monday night unanimously approved, with other consent agenda items, the contract between the city and West Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging.

The agreement states that WCNAAA will provide technical assistance, payments from the Older Americans’ Act, orientation and training for the senior center staff/board and support or assistance in the coordination of other agencies. In return, the City of McCook will provide a safe and assessable senior service facility, qualified staff and necessary local match funds in kind-services.

In the agreement, reimbursements from the Older American’s Act to meals have increased five cents per meal.

Other consent agenda items approved unanimously and without discussion by the council were:

-- an application from Great Plains Communications to occupy city right-of-way for the purpose of installing underground fiber optic cable providing service the McCook Christian Church located at 507 West "B" Street.

-- two special liquor licenses for the Fraternal Order of Eagles for a fund raiser/benefit at its location at 805 East "B" Street, on July 20, 2019 from 5 p.m. to 12 midnight, with an alternate date of July 27, and another for a fundraiser at its location on Aug. 24, from 5 p.m. to 12 midnight, with an alternate date of Sept. 7.

A third application, from the McCook Chamber of Commerce for a street dance on July 12 on the 100 block of West "C" Street, from noon to 1 a.m., was tabled for the June 17 city council meeting.

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