Oberlin attorney, firefighter elected head of National Volunteer Fire Council

Friday, May 3, 2019
Steve Hirsch was elected chairman of a national group for volunteer firefighters.
Courtesy photo

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Oberlin attorney and Northwest Kansas firefighter Steve Hirsch was elected chairman of the National Volunteer Fire Council at its annual meeting April 27 in Alexandria, Virginia. The NVFC is the leading national fire organization in the United States, representing volunteer fire and EMS personnel nationwide.

Hirsch first became involved with the NVFC as a director in 2005, appointed by the Kansas State Firefighters Association (KSFFA). Hirsch has served as secretary of the KSFFA since 2000. He currently serves as training officer of the Sheridan County Volunteer Fire Department at Hoxie and also provides training for Grinnell Volunteer Fire Department and Thomas County Volunteer Fire District No. 4 at Rexford.

In his business life, Hirsch is an attorney with offices in Oberlin and Hoxie.

Hirsch said that he recently taught a class at Hoisington, Kan., where he noticed the local fire department pickup with the words “Neighbors helping neighbors in their time of need,” emblazoned on its side. “This is a phrase that really sums up the volunteer fire and EMS service in America and around the globe,” Hirsch said. “Volunteers make up the majority of the fire and EMS personnel in the United States. In small and not so small towns across America, every day volunteer fire and EMS providers put out fires, handle hazardous materials calls, respond to traffic accidents and perform life-saving missions because of their love for their neighbors. We need more to step up to that task and I encourage citizens to contact their local fire and EMS agencies to volunteer to protect their communities.

He concluded: "It is my humble pleasure to serve those men and women by helping them stay proficient in their skills and healthy in mind and body so that they can return home to their families when their missions of mercy are complete.”

Hirsch grew up in the fire service with his father having been a founding member of the fire district at Simpson, Kan., in 1963. Hirsch is married to Anita Richardson Hirsch and they have two children, four grandchildren and another grandchild due this summer.

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