
Leadership more important than ever for agriculture

Monday, April 1, 2019

One of the stated goals on the Nebraska LEAD program is to “prepare the spokespersons, problem-solvers and decision-makers for Nebraska and its agricultural industry.”

If ever there is a time when Nebraska agriculture needs leadership and problem-solving, it’s today, when Mother Nature gave an already struggling industry a gut-punch in the form of blizzards and floods.

We haven’t had time to check, but since a number of members of the current, 38th Nebraska LEAD class, are from areas of the state impacted by the flooding, we’re sure their abilities and determination are already being put to the test.

According to Dr. Terry Hejny, who directs the program, those who are awarded fellowships in the LEAD program — Leadership, Education/Action Development — participate in monthly three-day seminars throughout Nebraska from mid-September through early April each year, and, over the course of a two-year cycle, participate in a 10-day National Study/Travel and two-week International Study/Travel Seminar.

Topics include leadership assessment and potential, natural resources and energy, agricultural policy, leadership through communication, Nebraska’s political process, global perspectives, nuclear energy, social issues, understanding and developing leadership skills, agribusiness and marketing, advances in health care and the resources and people of Nebraska’s panhandle.

The program is operated by the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council, a nonprofit organization, in collaboration with the University of Nebraska’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and in cooperation with Nebraska colleges and universities, business and industry, and individuals throughout the state.

Applications are due by June 15, and are available via e-mail from the Nebraska LEAD Program at leadprogram@unl.edu, or by writing to 104 ACB, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 68583-0940 or calling (402) 472-6810. Visit www.lead.unl.edu for information about the selection process.

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