McCook Community Foundation Fund celebrates successful Sehnert Challenge
McCOOK, Neb. — Celebrating McCook is not something we do very often. More frequently, we lament what is missing, what we want to change, what is wrong with our community.
But what happens when we take the time to step back to reflect on what is good about our community. What happens when people are asked this simple question: What are the bright spots in McCook and Southwest Nebraska?
Turns out, there is a lot of pride in the community when people are asked what makes their hometown special.
“Big skies. Big dreams. Big talent.”
“McCook is a community that is growing and always trying to better itself. I am excited about raising a family, knowing that our kids will have endless opportunities.”
“The best part of McCook is the people, their passion and their perseverance to see a positive future.”
Those were just a few of the answers given during the wrap-up of the McCook Community Foundation Fund’s Sehnert Challenge, where people were asked to reflect on what they appreciate about McCook. The response was overwhelming with dozens of reasons why they love McCook, with almost all of them returning to one common theme: it’s the people.
Ultimately, it’s the people who make McCook a place where young people want to raise a family, where people choose to retire, where people decide to open their business.
And it was the people who helped MCFF conduct such a successful campaign for the Sehnert Challenge, from the dozens of volunteers who asked for donations to those who saw the importance of a financial gift which will help future generations realize their dreams.
In less than a year, McCook and Southwest Nebraska accomplished an amazing feat, raising more than $400,000 in donations and pledges, which will, in turn, lead to grants from MCFF to support new ideas, to support innovative projects, to support more bright spots.
Last March, MCFF began an ambitious project when Susan Sehnert Stuart challenged the fund advisory committee to raise $200,000 toward its’ unrestricted endowment. In return, she would provide $100,000 in matching funds to honor her parents, Walt and Jean Sehnert, and to celebrate her hometown.
That total was quickly reached and the goal was doubled.
Earlier this month, MCFF reached its’ goal of $400,000 in donations and pledges toward the Sehnert Challenge and concluded with a celebration at Sehnert’s Bakery.
The Sehnert Challenge was led by co-chairs, Mary and Dale Dueland and Alice and Don Harpst, along with the fund advisory committee and dozens of community volunteers asking for donations.
Dueland expressed his gratitude for the enthusiastic and generous financial support of the McCook community for the Sehnert Challenge.
“The inspiration of Walt and Jean Sehnert and generous matching pledge from their daughter Susan made our job of fundraising easier than expected,” Dueland said.
Since arriving in McCook in 1957 and motivated by their love of arts and culture, Walt and Jean have dedicated much of their talent, free time, and business resources to making sure McCook had a wonderful arts experience.
“They instilled this love for arts and community in their children and their many McCook friends. This thriving group of arts lovers make sure McCook has quality experiences in all arts disciplines; music, theater, literary, poetry, storytelling, and visual arts just to name a few,” Dueland said, adding, “Thanks to the Sehnert Challenge, we are laying additional financial foundation to assure our community continues to excel in this area.”
MCFF Chairperson Cynthia Huff shares the same sentiment as her fellow volunteers when considering McCook’s bright spots and what made the Sehnert Challenge successful.
“I always knew McCook was something special, but this community's efforts in raising the matching funds so quickly and with such passion speak volumes about future potential,” she said. “With this future grant making potential, afforded in part by the Sehnert Challenge, persons in McCook and southwest Nebraska will have more opportunities to enjoy arts and cultural events, improving everyone's life experiences.”
With a $600,000 increase to the endowment, MCFF will be able to make a larger impact in the community immediately through increased grant capacity, including a grant in Walt and Jean’s name to a project or organizations which reflects their interests and passions in arts and culture in McCook.
MCFF now has the privilege - and challenge - of distributing of $70,000 in grants this year and $100,000 in grants in the near future.
Cindy Huff summed up the potential opportunities for MCFF and McCook.
“The results of the Sehnerts Challenge will only be limited by our community's ability to imagine what is possible,” Huff said. “We now have the means to develop, invest, and grow dreams.”
The complete list of responses to the Bright Spots in McCook, along with lists from the “idea trees” gathered over the past year as part of the Sehnert Challenge, are available on the MCFF website, McCook Community Foundation Fund is an affiliated fund of the Nebraska Community Foundation.