Prairie Roots Festival
Monday, August 13, 2018

Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette
True summer activities bring McCookites to Barnett Park Sunday for the annual “Prairie Roots Festival” — games, food and music. The Grand Island Modelers flew their model airplanes over the soccer field, and FY5, above, and the OK Sisters entertained on a stage near the shelter house. Among those competing in corn hole tournaments was Molly Sharp, and on the ball field, pitcher Ian Brown tossed a whiffle ball toward first base, while Reese Gillespie ran toward second covered by Renee Brown.

Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette