Million dollar project begins next year at airport

Thursday, August 9, 2018

McCOOK, Neb. — A nearly $1 million project at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport will begin in 2019.

Airside concrete pavement, concrete panel replacements on runways and taxiways, crack sealing and painting is estimated to cost $953,295,with 90 percent funded through a federal grant and 10 percent, or $95,330, funded by the city.

At the regular meeting Monday night, the McCook City Council approved with other consent agenda items an agreement between the city and W Design and Associates for the improvement project. The agreement will be sent to the Nebraska Department of Transportation and the FAA for approval.

According to the agreement, estimated consultant/engineering fees for W Designs are not to exceed $43,259.

Other consent agenda items that were approved Monday night by the council in one motion, with no discussion, were:

•a new six-year agreement, effective in October, with the current waste collection company, J Bar J Landfill Inc, d/b/a Waste Connections of Nebraska, Inc. The current contract that expires the end of October had a 2.5 percent increase per year, per 2,000 pounds transported, and the new contract has a 2 percent increase per year. The contract states that it will not add a fuel surcharge, unless fuel costs rise to $4 per gallon, when there will be surcharge of $0.25 per ton. This is the same as in the current contract.

The company collects the solid waste collected at the city's transfer station to a landfill in Ogalalla, Neb. Public Works director Kyle Potthoff said the city generates about 16,500 tons of waste per year.

•drawings and specs for West 4th Street sewer main replacement and set the date to receive bids as Aug. 28 at 2 p.m. This project replaces the existing 8-inch diameter clay tile sewer main with a new 8-inch PVC sewer main. at the alley north of the existing city office between West Fourth and West Fifth Streets. About 370 feet will be replaced between existing manholes. City residents have complained about sewer odor and sewer backups and video inspection of that area of the sewer indicated low spots or sagging in certain parts. To help prevent blockage, city staff has jetted this section every couple of months. The project is expected to be completed by Dec. 31 2018, funded through the capital improvement budget.

•an amended lease agreement with AirMD, L.L.C., d/b/a Life Team. On Feb. 5 of this year, the council approved an updated contract for leased property with AirMD, LLC. AirMD, LLC has requested an amendment to the agreement. The proposed amended contract includes a provision listing the contract information for both parties and has a clause absolving both parties from any penalties should early termination occur.

•an application from Unite Private Networks to occupy city right-of-way for the purpose of installing an underground fiber optic cable and authorized the Mayor to sign the application. The fiber route runs between the east water tower and west water, connecting to existing equipment at both locations. The conduit will be mostly under pedestrian sidewalks and streets. At locations where "push pits" are installed, that are 4 to 5 feet square and 2 to 3 feet deep, soil and grass are to be replaced and returned to original condition. At 12 locations, polymer concrete "pull boxes" will be installed, each 34" by 36" by 36", buried at ground level.

•The mayor's appointments to the Economic Development Plan Loan Committee: the reappointment of Dale Dueland (MEDC selection) and Jason Grigg (MEDC selection), with terms expiring March 2022.

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