Ghost tour tickets refunded

Thursday, July 26, 2018

McCOOK, Neb. — A person affiliated with a ghost tour planned at St. Catherine’s Hospital, now canceled, said tickets are being refunded.

The ghost tour was posted on Facebook by “” and promised “the first ever paranormal investigation” of St. Catherine’s Hospital on Aug. 17 and 18. Tickets were $125 per person for both nights.

However, the City of McCook Health Board has cited the vacant building for several building code violations. When McCook City officials got wind of tour, they called the organizers of the event, who agreed to cancel the event.

In an email sent to the McCook Gazette, Cheryl Lynn of said refunds have been made for those who have already purchased tickets, although it will take 5-7 days for it to reflect on their account.

Lynn also added that the proposed tour was a fundraiser as well as a paranormal investigation to help with the restoration of the historic hospital.

“We were really hoping to assist the owner by having several events but unfortunately we are not able to do this now,” she said.

She did not say how many tickets were purchased.

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  • We don't want it restored. We want it torn down. We don't need a creepy abandoned hospital in our town.

    -- Posted by cq22 on Sun, Jul 29, 2018, at 11:49 AM
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