Police chief: No local benefit for donations to group

Thursday, June 7, 2018

McCOOK, Neb. — Donations solicited by a Titusville, Fla., organization for Red Willow County law enforcement officers do not benefit local officers, according to McCook Police Chief Ike Brown.

Brown said that the “American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens” is mailing letters to addresses throughout Red Willow County asking for donations to support the “2018 Red Willow County Area Annual Appeal for Police Family Survivors Fund.”

Brown said he believes this organization operates legitimately primarily in the eastern United States. However, he said, “Law enforcement officers in Red Willow County do not benefit from donations to this organization.”

Brown said that donations to the Police Officers Association of Nebraska and the Nebraska Sheriffs Association represent municipal and county law enforcement officers in Nebraska, and support for these two organizations does benefit Nebraska law enforcement officers.

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