First female joins nine to national rodeo

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — Nine MPCC rodeo team members will compete at the CNFR in Casper, Wyo. June 10-16 which include the team’s first woman CNFR qualifier, Mykelsi Schnose, as well as the now two-time regional bull riding champ Garrett Wickett.
McCook native Tyler Murray has qualified in steer wrestling.
Overall, MPCC will enter nationals second in the Great Plains Region in the men’s team standings and third in the women’s team standings.
“We finished second in the men’s team standings by 36 points. That’s less than one go-round win by one person,” Dustin Elliott, MPCC rodeo team rough stock coach, said. “Of course every year you want to win, but sending more contestants to nationals is proof that our program is going in the right direction. And, to send our first girl to the CNFR – that’s pretty awesome.”
Schnose rounded out the season third in the breakaway roping. Her efforts are largely what propelled MPCC to its third place finish in the women’s team standings.
“I was really happy for Mykelsi, Garrett Nokes, MPCC rodeo team timed event coach said. “She’s one of the hardest workers, and I really respect her try and ability. She had a terrible fall, never even scored a point, and it was really getting her down. Then, over the winter, she put in a lot of work and went to a couple clinics. That extra effort paid off in getting her to the CNFR.”
It’s the second year in a row that Wickett has been at the top of the leaderboard going into the bull riding at the national finals.
Altogether, the national qualifiers consist of
• Wickett, Norfolk – bull riding
• Schnose, Oelrichs, S.D. – breakaway roping
• Reed Murray, of Belvue, Kan., and Lane Kennedy, of Orleans - team roping
• Chandler Comfort, Elwood, and Wyatt Killion, Ainsworth – team roping
• Sawyer Strand, Harrisburg, S.D. – steer wrestling
• Murray, McCook – steer wrestling
• Riley Weehler, Maloy, Iowa – calf roping
A send-off celebration is planned for the team from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 6 at Schmick’s Market in McCook.
Rib eye sandwiches, chips, cookies and a drink will be available for a free-will donation.