City Council plans to ponder priorities

Friday, February 2, 2018

McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook City Council is set to discuss a variety of potential big-ticket expenditures being considered by city staff, such as the construction of a new swimming pool or upgrades to Memorial Auditorium, as part of an effort to prioritize the project list. The discussion is scheduled during Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting, 6:30 p.m., at the Municipal Center.

“Over the past few months, the City Council has received presentations from Larkin Aquatics regarding the city’s swimming pool and Engineering International regarding the auditorium. We’ve also had discussions regarding other potential improvement projects, such as A Street Park and Barnett Park. Staff would like to discuss these matters in order to prioritize the city’s potential project list,” according to the meeting agenda.

The item is listed as a discussion of “potential capital improvements, such as a swimming pool or auditorium upgrade/event center, relative to current and future budget forecasts.”

Also during Monday’s meeting:

* A four-year proposal from Boutique Air to provide Essential Air Service at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport will be considered for approval.

* Councilors will consider recommending approval to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission an application from Citta Deli to relocate from West 3rd Street to 110 West 1st Street.

* CPA Terry Galloway with Almquist, Maltzahn, Galloway & Luth will review the audit report for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2017.

* An updated lease agreement between the city and AirMD LLC, Life Team, pertaining to city-owned land at the airport will be considered for approval. City staff is proposing increasing rent from $1,200 annually to $1,300 with a three percent annual increase.

* The City of McCook is requesting a special liquor license for an employee banquet at Memorial Auditorium on March 2.

* Hi-Times Liquor Mart is requesting a special liquor license for a wedding reception at Memorial Auditorium on Aug. 4.

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