Who's got spirit!??!

Thursday, October 12, 2017
About 600 students from the high school and Central Elementary, along with community members, filled up Norris Park Wednesday afternoon for the homecoming pep rally. Students were led from the high school to the park by the McCook High School Band, and at the park students chanted school songs, had a spirit contest for the “loudest class” (the senior class sounded the loudest to one spectator, but the junior class was a close second), and the dance team and cheerleaders revved up the crowd. Festivities continue today with “American Day” and a Bison volleyball game against North Platte starting at 5 p.m. On Friday at a homecoming assembly, royalty candidates will be announced, McCook High School alumni Matt Sehnert will speak and members of select choir will lead students in singing the school song, “On McCook High.” Friday night, the McCook Bison football team will take on the Holdrege Dusters, with coronation to follow and Saturday is the homecoming dance. McCook High School principal Jeff Gross said he was pleased with the turnout from the community, this being only the second time the homecoming pep rally was in the park, after years of it being held at the school. “We want to keep this going and have the community more involved,” he said. Shown singing a school chant are Kaleb Gillen, from left, Kyleana Blau, Allison Jonson Alyssa Wright, Monique Witt, Kylee McClain and Alexis Goodenberger.
Lorri Sughroue/McCook Gazette

Lorri Sughroue/McCook Gazette
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