Highway work from McCook north expected to start Monday

Friday, August 4, 2017

McCook, Neb. — Weather permitting, due to complications in the contractor’s original schedule, the anticipated start date was delayed from July 31 to August 7 on US-83, north of McCook, from Reference Post 18.15 to Reference Post 25.97, according to the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

Paulsen Inc. of Cozad, Nebraska, has the $2.7 million dollar contract, which includes milling and replacement of asphalt.

Temporary lane closures will be maintained with flaggers and a pilot vehicle.

There will also be a 12-foot width restriction. The project is anticipated to be completed by mid-fall.

The Department of Transportation’s project manager is Curt Van Pelt of McCook.

Motorists are asked to drive cautiously through construction zones and to expect delays.

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