Marijuana activist running for governor

OMAHA, Neb. — Krystal Gabel is formally announcing her run for Governor, challenging Gov. Pete Ricketts for the Republican bid in the 2018 Nebraska Republican Primary.
In November 2016, Gabel advanced to the General Election for Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD), a race that spans three counties in the Omaha Metro area. She received approximately 86,000 votes and missed election by 1 percent of the vote.
Most recently in the April 2017 Omaha City Primary, Gabel ran against the incumbent and six other candidates for the District 2 City Council seat. She missed moving to the General Election by 143 votes.
Gabel’s platform as Governor is to:
* Expand Nebraska’s stake in agriculture to allow growth and cultivation of industrial hemp for commercial purposes by local producers.
* Address the state’s tax dilemma by making Nebraska the primary producer and manufacturer of hemp biofuel and biodiesel.
* Build a Beginning Farmers program that attracts and assists individuals, families, small businesses, ranchers, and farmers to expand in our agricultural industry.
* Provide a medical cannabis program that allows the purchase and/or grow of medical-strength cannabis for in-state adult patients, child patients with guardian’s permission, and veterans via a medical card.
* Fully decriminalize cannabis for adults and revisit cannabis laws that fine, penalize, incarcerate, and criminalize those who possess cannabis.
* Reinvest in our public K-12 education and equally invest in all Nebraska residents.
* Focus on affordable healthcare and improved domestic violence services for all Nebraskans.
* Improve transparency in the Governor’s office with more avenues of conversation with Nebraska constituents.
Gabel is currently touring Nebraska. Event and other campaign information can be found at
Also see for additional information about Krystal’s prior races.
Gabel has a B.A. in Writing from Briar Cliff University (Sioux City, Iowa), volunteers her time petitioning for Legal Marijuana Now Nebraska, and is building a free-food community garden in South Omaha. She is a freelance writer/editor and was previously employed as a technical writer at ACI Worldwide, Inc., in Elkhorn, Neb.