New sporting goods store on track for July opening

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Matt and Larry Eden will soon be offering live bait, custom fishing equipment, firearms and other products and services through Armadillo Arms and Sporting Goods on U.S. 6-34 and Airport Road in McCook.
Gene O. Morris/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — A 4,950 square foot building is arising on the east entrance to McCook, signaling the approaching opening of a multi-line fishing, hunting, shooting range and bait business known as Armadillo Arms & Sporting Goods LLC.

Larry and Matt Eden say they are shooting for a July opening of the store and shooting range. The father-and-son team, who are teaming up to start the business with the help of their wives, DeeAnn and Sheila, said the firm’s bait business could be in operation even sooner, with the sale of live bait, including minnows, worms, shiners and leeches possible before the end of June.

The Edens will be ready to go with the bait sales as soon as their new commercially made, temperature-controlled tank arrives. “It’s an exciting time for us and we are getting lots of feedback and support from hunters and fishermen and women in the area,” Larry said.

Well-known in the area, Larry operated a gun powder, reloading and gun sales business in Stratton, known as Half Moon Pass, for many years, and Matt worked at Klein’s Motor & Electric for 17 years.

A couple of years ago, their interest in hunting and fishing led the Edens to start thinking about opening an arms and sporting goods store and the Armadillo enterprise is the result.

“We’ll be kind of like a Cabela’s or a Bass Pro Shop without clothing lines,” Matt said, with him and Larry both saying they are surprised it took so many years before a store like this was established in the area.

Among Armadillo’s products and services will be:

* A 20-yard, four-lane shooting range for bows and arrows and 4-H BB guns;

* Custom-made fishing poles and rifles;

* Gun, bow-and-arrow and fishing tackle sales;

* Carry-and-conceal classes, and:

* Hunter safety classes.

Also in the works are plans for a Liar’s Corner, where hunters and fishermen can gather to swap stories and a Shooter’s League for bow-and-arrow enthusiasts.

“Interest in Armadillo has been phenomenal,” the Edens said, pointing to thousands of hits on their Facebook page and many calls asking about bait sales and opening dates.

In preparation for the business opening, Larry and Matt traveled to Florida to attend a class for the custom building of fishing poles. Quick learners, Larry and Matt both crafted their own fishing poles, but Larry’s exclusive use of the fishing rod didn’t last long.

“My wife has already claimed it as her own,” he said.

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