Bruce Carse

Bruce Carse
Nov. 7, 1951 - Jan. 13, 2017
THAILAND – Bruce Carse, 65, formerly of Palisade,
Neb., and known as Doc to many of his friends,
was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident in Thailand
on Jan. 13, 2017.
He was born to Jen and Leon Carse
on Nov. 7, 1951, in McCook, Neb., and
raised on a farm outside of Palisade.
He enlisted in the Army in 1972
and after completing his service, graduated
from the University of Northern Colorado with
a business degree.
He started Glacier Valley Snowmobile Tours in
1995 in Girdwood, Alaska.
He is survived by his children, Lana and Brent; sister,
Sue Witte of Cambridge, Neb., and her family, as
well as his brother, Jim Carse of Atlanta, Ga., and his
family; and one grandchild.
A celebration of life will be Saturday, June 17,
2017, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Camp Blue Yummy south of
Cambridge, Neb. Follow the balloons on U.S. Highway
47 to drive 719