Public input sought on college facilities
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Community College is seeking public input for long-range building plans for the campus.
A public meeting 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in the MCC Student Union will be a chance to help the college develop its facilities master plan.
“We have a great opportunity to shape the next decade of what this campus looks like,” said Andy Long, McCook Community College Vice President. “We’ve already spent a lot of time with the college architects and talking to faculty to get their input to develop some initial ideas.”
Long said that a large part of the next chapter of the college is what we do with the Elks building and land.
“We’ve had good feedback from the community already and now that we’ve had an opportunity to put down a few thoughts on paper, we want to show people where we are and get additional feedback to make sure we’re starting down the right path,” Long said.
“Our facilities master plan will be a tool that will guide our overall physical development concept and reflect our strategy to provide facilities that support the college mission,” said Michael D. Steele, Vice President of Administrative Services for MPCC.
The college is nine months into its process and intends to complete the plan by the end of June.
In conjunction with the facilities master plan, MPCC is working on its academic master plan, intended to facilitate growth within each department.
“We believe that completing the facilities and academic master plans together we will create a plan that supports the needs of our employees, students, and communities within our 18 county service area,” Steele said.
Other meetings are set for:
April 18, 6:30 p.m. (MST) – Ogallala.
April 24, 5:30 p.m. — North Platte WW Wood Student Lounge.
April 25 6:30 p.m. (MST) – Imperial.
For additional information or questions contact me at Mike Steele at (308) 535-3620, or email steelem@