
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


The first month

Friday, February 17, 2017

Regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump, no one from any political persuasion can accuse him of not doing what he said he was going to do on the campaign trail. He's writing Executive Orders as fast as he can write them and there has been some sort of crisis at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since the day he took office. His opponents are as perplexed as ever, his supporters exuberant and those in the middle don't really know what position to take which includes a number of Republican congressmen and senators. And this isn't just the take from America; this is generally the take from everywhere. Trump has stood the world on its head and few people know what's going to happen next.

Trump started his campaign with a dark vision of America and that hasn't changed. If you only listened to him, you would think that the United States is in the death throes of existence but, obviously, when you look for bad, bad is the only thing you find. I wish he would cut down on the bluster, the lies and the twittering and get serious about his job as the most powerful man in the world but right now that looks unlikely. He has always been a man that loved power and control and now he has more of both those things than he's ever had before.

One of the campaign pledges he made and something he continues to highlight on an almost daily basis is that he intends to be the "greatest job creator that God ever created" and he WILL bring jobs back to the United States that have been lost overseas during the tenure of other Presidents. On this point he is dead wrong. Trump has long blamed the disappearance of manufacturing jobs in this country on bad trade deals and cut-rate competition from China and Mexico, attacks that have struck a chord with Rust Belt voters, when that populist rage should really be directed at the robots.

A recent study found that 85 percent of manufacturing job losses from 2000 to 2010 was caused by automation, not out-sourcing. (The Week magazine) American firms have been steadily cutting employees and replacing them with machines that are cheaper (they don't need benefits) and more efficient (they don't take vacations). The Week magazine goes on to report that U.S. factories now produce twice as much stuff as they did in 1984, but with one-third of the workers we had then. And smarter machines will soon steal a lot more jobs. An Oxford University study predicts that 47% of U.S. jobs will be automated over the next two decades. Some 1.7 million truckers could be rendered redundant by self-driving vehicles and computers could replace millions more store cashiers, insurance underwriters, tax preparers and other similar workers.

This machine replacement has happened, is happening and will continue to happen because the most important number for anyone in business is the bottom line. If they can produce products cheaper than before, they'll make more money than before and that's the ultimate goal of a business owner. Mr. Trump can't do anything about machines that do the work faster, better and cheaper than their human counterparts. The only thing that COULD be done is to provide federal funding in terms of loans and grants to retrain those who have lost their jobs due to robots. And that needs to be done quickly.

Many of us are still stuck in the '50s. We see that period as an idyllic time when everything was perfect and we want to go back to the way things were. But one of the first things you learn when you read and study history is you can never go back. Things are always changing; sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad, but nothing remains static. We couldn't have imagined, except in a science fiction movie, that workers would one day be replaced by robots but many have been and many more will be. So we can wring our hands in despair or we can start work on finding a solution to the problem.

Promising to be the greatest job creator God ever created without a specific plan is not a solution to the problem.

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  • Will be so happy when libs are replaced by robots. Of course, they will have to make robots a lot dumber than they are now to get down to liberal levels.

    -- Posted by allstar69 on Fri, Feb 17, 2017, at 8:21 PM
  • The robots will have to carry protest signs,burn police cars. break glass and steel from businesses, have multiple ear piercings/lobe gauging, have orange or green hair. Wait

    one minute, I should fact check if its possible to create such an intellectual robot. Found

    out they already have one, the I D 10 T.

    -- Posted by Keda46 on Fri, Feb 17, 2017, at 11:46 PM
  • We have to start making new jobs somewhere. Why not take as many of the products we rely on that are produced overseas and return them to production inside our borders? Lets get people off welfare and back to being productive citizens. Lets turn the tax users into tax contributors. At the same time give people a sense of self worth. I know this is a radical thought but the way we have been doing it is obviously not working. We have to fix this country before we can help other countries. We have tried it the "progressive" way, it isn't working. Lets try to fix it by using basic economic principals.

    -- Posted by quick13 on Sat, Feb 18, 2017, at 3:39 PM
  • Funny thing about the jobs he's already "claiming" to have created...they were already in the works prior to him becoming President. Therefore, why and how can he take credit? Also, alot of these jobs that were "created" were shuffled and very misconstrued / misled. Or as our President likes to say "fake news".

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Mon, Feb 20, 2017, at 4:59 PM
  • Rural..... I find your comment fascinating I must say. So, in your world, a good president and his administration takes 8 years to make a plan work? OK, even if all these new jobs WERE IN FACT our prior administration's doing..... that certainly doesn't say much for the party's foresight. From what I understand, and I am NO political expert, a president knows that he has four years to make things happen with the possibility of an additional four years with re-election. With the benefit of the doubt.... it takes a bit to get traction but to EXIT your eighth year and still not be able to actually point to the good that you've done until your successor steps in?

    Say what you will, and I know you will..... but dang, nothing like waiting to the last minute just to have the door slammed in your face. Perhaps he should have gotten a better start on things and jumped into action BEFORE he was replaced HUH?

    In my line of business, you have to prove yourself BEFORE you retire or you get fired. You certainly wouldn't be able to run the company into ruins..... BUT that's the difference between business and politics.... I guess that's why I chose NOT to vote for another politician.

    -- Posted by Nick Mercy on Mon, Feb 20, 2017, at 6:25 PM
  • Rural Citizen just hasn't been the same since his queen didn't make it to her coronation.

    -- Posted by Filthy_McNasty on Tue, Feb 21, 2017, at 6:46 PM
  • First off, I didn't vote for the "queen". I actually voted for Mike Pence. And I hope that he will become a major influence in Mr. Trump's decision making. As far as Mr. Trump's attitude, we have yet to see if that can ever be affected. So far, it's all about winning and him. What happened to US? Make sure you know me and know the facts first before opening your "filthy_Mcnasty" mouth. Thank you.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Feb 23, 2017, at 8:12 AM
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