Book traces history of conservation association

Friday, December 23, 2016
Jerda Garey Vickers with her book detailing the history of the Republican Valley Conservation Association. (Gene O. Morris/McCook Gazette)

McCOOK, Neb. -- A new, 186-page book traces the history of the Republican Valley Conservation Association, a region-wide organization which spearheaded flood control and irrigation efforts in Southwest Nebraska, Northwest Kansas and Eastern Colorado.

Compiled by Jerda Garey Vickers, Ed. D., the book is entitled, "Creating Visions -- Meeting Challenges: A Historical View of the Republican Valley Conservation Association."

"This book is dedicated to the residents and past residents living in the Republican River Valley," Vickers said. "Your hardships and perseverance are not forgotten and will be appreciated as future generations seek to retain our most precious resource -- water."

Jerda worked closely with Allen Strunk on the book project. Their parents, Harry Strunk and Don Thompson, served as presidents of the Republican Valley Conservation Association for more than 50 years of the organization's existence.

Strunk, publisher emeritus of the McCook Gazette, and the McCook National Bank provided financial assistance for the project, with copies of the booklet being made available to libraries throughout the region. In the weeks to come, copies of "Creating Visions -- Meeting Challenges" will be made available at the area's museums.

"It was phenomenal what the RVCA was able to accomplish," Vickers said, pointing out that more than 30 communities in the region united to push for reclamation projects.

Many years later, this area still benefits from the area reservoirs, including Enders Dam and Reservoir, Trenton Dam and Swanson Lake, Red Willow Dam and Hugh Butler Lake and Cambridge Dam and Harry Strunk Reservoir.

The Republican Valley Conservation Association also had a leading role in other area reclamation projects, including formation of the Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation District.

In the book, Vickers chronicles the happenings at RVCA's annual meetings and the organization's participation in the Enders Dam, Medicine Creek Dam, Trenton Dam, Bonny Dam, Trenton Dam and Red Willow Dam celebrations.

In the epilogue for the book, Vickers writes, "The Association accomplished its goal of flood control. Today the threat of devastating valley wide flood is almost non-existent. There will be high water due to heavy rains, but the dams offer the needed flood protection ... The association proved that communities could unite for a common cause."

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