General's visit

Nebraska National Guard Staff Sgt. Derek Harris, foreground, greets Major General Daryl Bohac, Nebraska Adjutant General, upon the general's arrival from Lincoln in a Blackhawk helicopter at McCook's airport Saturday morning. Accompanying the general was Sgt. Major Dean Reicks, a former wrestling coach and business teacher in McCook Public Schools. Gen. Bohac visited the Guard training center in McCook on his traditional yearly state-wide tour to speak with Guard soldiers and their families, thanking them for their service in 2016, and looking forward to the coming year. Sgt. Harris said he was escorting the general, too, to the McCook unit's Christmas party. During its stop in McCook, the Guard's Blackhawk taxied past the Korean War-era U.S. Air Force F86H jet on display at the McCook airport since 1970.