Skate park hopes to add lights

Friday, September 30, 2016

McCOOK, Neb. -- Supporters of the Bolles Canyon Skatepark in McCook are coordinating an effort to install lighting at the popular venue. Alan Gunther and Kirk Dixon will present a request to the McCook City Council Monday evening seeking permission to proceed with the project.

The privately funded effort is eyeing a solar lighting system estimated to cost just shy of $8,000. The group has already secured tentative commitments of $5,500 according to Monday's meeting agenda.

City staff has expressed a desire to ensure a timer is placed on the lighting system so it can be controlled, adding McCook parks are open 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Other items on Monday's agenda, 6:30 p.m., at the Municipal Center:

* A sewer rate hike for the upcoming fiscal year will be considered for second reading approval. The increase will raise the base fee for residential and commercial by $1 monthly. Residential will increase to $15.279 monthly with commercial rising to $22.259 monthly.

Changes to city ordinance pertaining to how sewer usage is calculated for commercial and carwash facilities will similarly be considered for second reading approval. City staff indicated previously the changes were intended to bring ordinance in-line with the long-standing city practice of calculating carwash sewer usage monthly.

* City Council will consider approving the selection of MNB Insurance to serve as the City of McCook's Property Insurance Agent, with EMC Insurance Company to provide the city's insurance policy.

* City staff will present a report on sales tax receipts for the fiscal year ending 2015-16.

* Loop Brewery is requesting a special liquor license for a beer garden at Kiplinger Arena on Nov. 16, 2016, from 10 a.m. to midnight.

* Mayor Mike Gonzales appointments to the Senior Citizens Advisory Board, reappointing Harris "John" Anderson, Jim Hamill and Sharon Parde for terms expiring in Sept. 2019, will be considered for ratification.

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