Anderson birthday
80th birthday
The family of Eugene Anderson of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday on Sunday, Aug. 14. He was born in Ong, Neb., in 1936 and has been a resident of McCook since 1975. He has been a member of the United Methodist Church, Rotary, and the local Tractor Club. Most recently, he worked at Orschelins in McCook for over 20 years, only just retiring in February of this year. Eugene and and his wife, Marilyn, also own their own catering business. In his spare time, he enjoys restoring antique tractors, spending time with his family and giving the grandchildren tractor rides. His family includes his wife, Marilyn; daughters, Brenda (Mark) Hayes of Bartley, and Bonnie (Mike) Brown of McCook; grandchildren, Sydney (Randy) Bauman of McCook, Lyndsay McLaren of Denver, Colo., Tyler (Lou) Hayes and Darcie (Josh) Keenportz, all of Bartley, Neb., and great-grandchildren, Ashlyn, Emmett and Payton. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 71255 South U.S. Highway 83, McCook, NE 69001.