Mobile Pantry set for Dundy County-Stratton High School

Monday, August 8, 2016

BENKELMAN, Neb. -- The next one-day "Mobile Pantry" event in a Southwest Nebraska community will be Saturday, Aug. 13, at the Dundy County-Stratton High School at 400 Ninth Ave. West, (straight south of the Dundy County Hospital) from 10 a.m. until noon MT.

The food distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis; when the food is gone, it's gone. Participants MUST bring their own boxes, laundry baskets, little red wagons or small, collapsible wheeled shopping carts (do not bring them inside if the wheels are dirty). Boxes are not available at the site.

Shoppers, especially the elderly, are encouraged not to shop alone because the boxes get heavy.

The Mobile Pantry program of the Food Bank for the Heartland was created to provide food where there is a high need but limited resources, and to help local Pantries help families in need.

Mobile Pantries throughout Southwest Nebraska are coordinated by the Hitchcock County Pantry and the Omaha-based Food Bank. Anyone living in Southwest Nebraska can participate in the Mobile Pantry in Palisade; there are no income restrictions.

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