Bum Malleck Memorial threshing event Sunday

Monday, August 8, 2016

INDIANOLA, Neb. -- Anyone interested in old-time harvesting and farming methods should mark Sunday, Aug. 14, on their calendar for the eigth annual Bum Malleck Memorial Threshing, four miles south of Indianola in conjunction with the Indianola Old Settlers Celebration.

The Bum Malleck event is much more than a threshing. This year's events will include a saw mill, shingle making, corn shelling with mule power, sattionary baling, cooper James Gaston making wooden buckets, and much, much more.

Bum Malleck's son, Griff, who spearheaded the first celebration bout seven years ago, said "this year's gathering may be the biggest yet."

He went on to explain that in addition to approximately eight to 10 teams and horses and mules all working in harness, thee will be a large display of working antique tractors, approximately 40 stationary engines and at least one steam engine belted to various pieces of machinery.

This year's event will feature the Wanda Malleck Memorial Quilt Show for the ladies, as well as self-guided tours of the refurbished 1920s era horse and mule barn and one-room school house complete with original desks.

The event is open to the public with no admission charge. Setup begins after the Old Settlers Parade on Saturday, and the show begins at noon Sunday, Aug. 14. There will be food and shade available on site.

This year's show is sponsored by Red Willow Aviation, Red Willow Chemical and Janssen Auto Group. For more information, call (308) 340-1294 or (308) 340-6232.

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