Southwest Nebraska Leadership class announced

Monday, July 11, 2016

McCOOK, Neb. -- The Southwest Nebraska Leadership Institute conducted its annual orientation for the 2016-17 class members in two sessions this year -- one in May and one in June to accommodate class members' busy schedules.

Each evening began with an icebreaker followed by an overview of the history, requirements, expectations and rewards of going through the program.

Attending class members are: Amanda Milheiser, Andrew Weber, Aric Riggins, Ashley Mugrage, Ben Dutton, Beth Seigfried, Brad Hays, Brian Obert, Clint Bryant, Elizabeth Knedlik, Ginella Sweeney, Greg Gaston, Justin Walter, Katie Kjendal, Kirk Dixon, Lexi Gross, Matthew Rippen, Nancy Pick, Tammi Pochop, Terra Michaelis, Terri Skolout and Will Kisker.

The class will begin its program July 25-26 by attending the annual leadership retreat in Lincoln.

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