Low bid puts hangar on fast track

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

McCOOK, Neb. -- The construction bid for a new 6-plex hangar at the McCook airport came in so low it prompted city and state officials to jockey funds around in an effort to ensure the project advanced.

"According to NDA, which is Nebraska Department of Aeronautics, our bid came in substantially favorable to the city. They have bid some other hangars that weren't so favorable to other communities," said Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff Monday evening.

Potthoff said the bid was so good the project really couldn't be delayed and roughly $83,000 in entitlement money wasn't scheduled to be in play for the project until this fall. NDA has subsequently asked the Federal Aviation Administration to loan the funds from a 2013 NDA allocation. The FAA agreed to the arrangement, prompting the need for the McCook City Council to consider a resolution authorizing repayment from the 2013 allocation when they arrive this fall.

Potthoff said the transfers would be done without penalties or interest charges. City Council subsequently approved the action on a unanimous vote.

Potthoff indicated he didn't have a solid start date for the project but believed it would begin very soon.

The construction bid for the hangar was awarded to Hackel Construction of Ord, Nebraska, in the amount of $586,682 last month. The city will be responsible for approximately 10 percent of the project expense with Federal funds estimated to cover the rest.

The project is anticipated to be completed this year and reduce a waiting list for approximately 10 aircraft owners interested in space at the airport.

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