Nutrition, diet seminar slated

Monday, January 4, 2016

McCOOK, Neb. -- Eating healthy for your mind is the focus of a free, three-day nutrition and diet seminar at the McCook Seventh Day Adventist Church, corner of West Seventh and C.

Raqel Caja of Spain, a bilingual nutritionist and dietician with a master's degree, will present the seminar in McCook from Friday, Jan. 15 through Sunday, Jan. 17. Caja lives in Spain and Beatrice, Nebraska, where her husband is a pastor.

Friday's workshop is from 6 to 7 p.m. on the topic, "Factors that can influence your mental health." Saturday's workshop, from 4 to 6 p.m., is on "Food for a Healthy Mind." On Sunday, a cooking demonstration will be presented on "Cooking for health." All of the seminars will be presented in English and Spanish.

For more information, call (308) 345-7304. For those who speak Spanish, call Patty at (308) 345-0871.

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