Annual backpack give-away Tuesday

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook, Nebraska, area service unit of the Salvation Army plans its annual "back-to-school" backpack give-away Tuesday, Aug. 4, from 3 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., at McCook Christian Church. There will be a two-backpack limit per family.

The list of items inside the backpacks includes glue sticks, bottles of Elmer's glue, kids' Fiskar scissors, pointed scissors, pink erasers, No. 2 pencils, 24-count Crayons, colored pencils, two-pocket folders, wide-ruled spiral notebooks, wide-ruled notebook paper and one-inch binders.

Anyone wanting to donate items to be tucked inside the backpacks may take them to McCook Christian Church, 507 West B, through Friday.

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