Hoyt birthday

97th birthday
The family of Cloyd Hoyt of McCook, Nebraska,is requesting a card shower in honor of his 97th birthday Sept. 26. His family includes children, Loree Neiman of Round Rock, Texas, Bob and wife, Libby Hoyt of McCook, Beverly and husband, Bob Brown of Thayer, Iowa, Bill and wife, Barb Hoyt, McCook; 11 grandchildren, Kellin and wife, Lisa Neiman and Jake and wife, Allison Neiman, Marty Hoyt, Edie and husband, Russ Rushing, Jessica and husband, Dave Miller and Roberta and husband, Justin Weber, Sarah and husband, Erik Niggemeyer Brown, Becca and husband, Matt Sheridan and Matt Brown, David and wife, Melissa Hoyt and Daniel Hoyt; and 15 great-grandchildren. Cloyd is a lifelong resident of the Southwest Nebraska area. He has lived and farmed in Hitchcock and Red Willow counties and active in public service throughout his life, serving on the Public Power district board, District 8 school board, Red Cross and many others. He was instrumental in the organization and creation of the Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation District and remains active and interested in water issues in Southwest Nebraska. He keeps current with farming issues, loves to spin stories, jokes and puns and is always thinking of good ideas to improve the lives of others. Cards of congratulations will reach him in care of his daughter at 1704 Mount Pisgah Road, Thayer, IA 50254.