College board in process of replacing member of board of governors
McCOOK, Neb. -- At Wednesday night's Mid Plains Community College Board of Governors meeting, Louie Stithem announced that Elizabeth Benjamin, one of two Board members that represent District One, had submitted her resignation from the Board. The Board accepted her resignation at that time. In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board, Nebraska Statutes 32- 560 and 85-1514, together with Board Policy set forth the process to fill the vacancy. Specifically Board Policy 1400 provides:
"Any vacancy will be filled by the Board of Governors for the balance of the unexpired term. The Board of Governors shall notify the public of the existence of the Board of Governors vacancy. Persons interested in being appointed to the Board of Governors vacancy must submit a personal resume to the President's office by the 15th day of the month following the date of the declared vacancy. Copies of the resumes shall be forwarded to all members of the Board of Governors prior to the next regular monthly meeting. At its discretion, the Board of Governors may conduct interviews with potential appointees. By open ballot, the person receiving a majority vote of the seated membership of the Board of Governors shall be appointed to the Board of Governors vacancy. The person appointed to the vacancy shall meet the required legal qualifications for serving on the Board of Governors. Proper certification of the appointment shall be filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State's Office."
Therefore, candidate qualifications require:
1. Applicants must reside in District 1 which includes Red Willow, Frontier, Hitchcock, and Hayes Counties.
2. Applicants must be a registered voter and a resident of District 1 for six months preceding the date of application.
3. According to Section 32-604, applicants may not be members of any other elected Board relating to education and may not be employed by the Mid-Plains Community College Area. Further, no person holding a high elective office may hold another high elective office. The Mid-Plains Community College Board of Governors are identified as a high elective office.
The appointment will cover about 1.5 years (the term expires Dec. 31, 2016) and it is hoped that the appointee will consider running for their elected office when the appointment term expires.
To be considered, completed applicant packets must be received by the Mid-Plains Community College President's office by 12:00 noon (CDT) on May 15, 2015. By mail, please submit the application to: President's Office Board Vacancy, Mid-Plains Community College, 601 W. State Farm Rd., North Platte, NE 69101. Electronic submissions including the same requested materials will also be accepted via email at: until 12 noon, May 15, 2015. For additional questions, please call 308-535-3720 or toll free at 800-658-4308, Extension 3720.
For questions or further information regarding the appointment, please contact the President's office at 308-535-3720.