'1,000 books before Kindergarten' -- Library encouraging early reading

Friday, April 10, 2015
Three-year-olds Gidget Crocker, left, and Jaycee Crocker, both of McCook, Nebraska, try to pick their favorite book from among those available as prizes in the new "1,000 Books before Kindergarten" reading program starting at McCook Public Library. Both little girls are the granddaughters of library director Jody Crocker. (Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette)

McCOOK, Neb. -- Writer and publisher Emilie Buchwald said, "Children are made readers in the laps of their parents."

To encourage parents to read to their children, and to instill in children all the rewards of reading, McCook, Nebraska, Public Library has started a reading program called, "1,000 Books before Kindergarten."

Reading aloud to children is one of the best ways to hep them develop academically and socially. It will make them better readers and help them learn speech, listening and language skills, as well as vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure.

It will instill curiosity and imagination, increase attention span and develop positive behaviors for life situations. It's a wonderful way for parents or grandparents or older siblings to bond with young children.

"Besides all that, it's just fun, for the reader and the child," said library director Jody Crocker.

When parents register for "1,000 Books before Kindergarten," they will receive a folder, a reading log for the first 100 books and tips to make reading aloud one of the most enjoyable and beneficial activities parents can share with a child, Jody said.

She added that as parents and young listeners accomplish their goals in 100-book increments, they will earn awards and books, "and get prepared for a life-long love of reading."

It won't be hard to reach a goal of 1,000 books before kindergarten, Jody explained, if it's broken down into manageable increments: If the program is started at birth, read just one book a day to reach the 1,000-book goal. If the child is four years old, read just 3 books a day to reach the 1000-book goal. A more in-depth chart is provided in the folder that parents receive when they register their children.

Reading tips in the folder include:

* Read from "Day One.'

* Share books every day.

* Reread favorites.

* Talk, talk, talk. Listen, listen, listen.

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  • Jody has a wonderful idea to help young readers! Children who are not on grade level when they leave third grade are four times less likely to not graduate High School than their peers. This program would be very helpful for children who live in poverty as they are 13 times less likely to graduate. I hope parents of all children, especially those from underprivileged families use this opportunity.

    -- Posted by dennis on Fri, Apr 10, 2015, at 3:18 PM
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