Public Transit Week

Friday, April 10, 2015
Courtesy photo

Beth Siegfried, back, second from right, transit manager for the City of McCook, joined other members of the Nebraska Association of Transportation Providers as Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a Public Transit Week proclamation. The Governor's proclamation is a special honor for NATP, whose members strive to enhance the quality and accessibility of public transportation for Nebraska residents. For thousands of Nebraskans, public transit is the single point of access to critical services such as medical care, shopping, education and employment. It is through the efforts of supporting organizations like NATP, NDOR, and transit providers and operators statewide that this resource continues to exist and help Nebraska communities thrive.

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  • Beth is doings wonderful job at the McCook Senior Center with public transit and the noon meal program.

    -- Posted by dennis on Fri, Apr 10, 2015, at 3:19 PM
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