Annual sale, yearly forecast

Ringman Garth West shouts "Sold!" during Gordon Gessleman's 27th annual farm and ranch consignment auction Wednesday in Culbertson, Nebraska. "Farmin's down in the dumps," Gessleman said glumly, keeping an eye on the price of things while making his yearly farm forecast. " ... grain market's down ... fuel's high. And there's no rain. It's not lookin' too good." What's it going to take for the outlook to improve? "Rain ... lots of rain," Gessleman mumbled. Meanwhile, West and fellow ringman Justin Banzhaf sold bridge planks (just a bit shorter than the planks in this picture) to Susan Kamla of Haigler, Nebraska, who said she plans to use some of the planks to build a sandbox for her kids and some for landscaping her front yard. Down the implement row, Charles Workman, also of Haigler, closely inspected a green pull-behind two-row corn picker. It's green, Workman mused, could be a John Deere, "or an Oliver. Oliver's green, too." Workman said, with a grin, "Oh, I've farmed with worse than this. I used a one-row Co-Op. It was orange."