
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


When first we practice to deceive

Friday, February 6, 2015

As the old saying goes, Brian Williams, NBC's Nightly News anchor, has stepped in crap and fallen back in it. He has many times over the past several years told and re-told the story about being on a helicopter that was forced down by enemy fire in 2003. This week he finally came clean, saying that he 'misremembered' the event and chalked it up to 'the fog of memory over 12 years."

I don't buy his excuses. We always remember the big things in our lives. I remember where I was and what I was doing on November 22, 1963, when President Kennedy was shot and killed. I remember all the deaths of all my family members and all the specifics surrounding those deaths. I remember the only time a gun was pulled on me when I was on the police department; what he did and what I did. I don't vaguely remember these things; I remember every detail about them because they were significant events in my life.

Now I would imagine that being on an American helicopter during the early days of the Iraq War and remembering that helicopter was forced down by enemy fire would be seared into the memory of Brian Williams. So imagine the shock of many people, most notably veteran's groups, when Williams said he had 'misremembered' that event. I don't know how you can remember being forced down by enemy fire when you WEREN'T forced down by enemy fire. That's like a person claiming to have been shot at, only for it to be determined later that he WASN'T shot at. And we have situations like that happening all the time. People make up stories about where they were or what they were doing to either cover their tracks or embellish their experience. Obviously Williams recounting of his story was the latter instead of the former.

The American Legion found his behavior 'reprehensible' and the VFW said "his embellishment shows he has no idea what the term 'direct fire' really means."

On the other hand, one key veterans group came to Williams's defense. Paul Rieckhoff, CEO and founder of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America wrote in a Facebook post that "Brian Williams made a mistake. He has apologized and I accept his apology."

I have to take exception to Mr. Rieckhoff's statement. Brian Williams 'mistake' was that he lied and most people don't call lying a mistake. He knew he wasn't on a helicopter forced down by enemy fire and yet he claimed to be, maybe to improve his credibility with vets who he has unilaterally supported for the past several years or to improve the public's perception of him when it comes to wartime reporting since he never served in uniform himself.

By the same token, I've known more than one veteran who lied about where they were and what they were doing while other soldiers were killing and being killed. Lying cuts both ways!

Whatever the reason for it, lying is wrong. We've all been lied to and none of us like it because it destroys trust. If you find out someone's been lying to you, it's hard to ever trust them again because you'll always have those doubts that he or she might be lying to you again. I feel sorry for those poor souls who stick their heads in the sand and pretend they've never been lied to when they've been lied to frequently and will continue to be lied to because the liar knows they can get away with it.

I'm not going to suggest what Brian Williams should do with his career. That will obviously be determined either by him, the management of NBC News or the American people over the next few days. I DO know that Walter Cronkite was revered as a news anchor because we trusted him to tell us the truth.

We can't trust Brian Williams to do that anymore.

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  • He should do a history and an analysis of how those who lie about stuff during their tenure in public office destroy trust. Would be awfully lengthy.

    -- Posted by bob s on Fri, Feb 6, 2015, at 2:27 PM
  • Didn't Hillary misremeber a war time event? Maybe its some sort of trauma?

    Wallis Marsh

    -- Posted by wallismarsh on Fri, Feb 6, 2015, at 8:35 PM
  • That's what the liberal media does Mike! They lie! And others use someone else's quotes without giving the original the credit! But then, Sir Walter Scott has been dead for some time, so I guess he won't mind!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Fri, Feb 6, 2015, at 10:40 PM
  • Was it really Brian Williams that lied or was it his teleprompter?

    -- Posted by shallal on Sat, Feb 7, 2015, at 2:15 AM
  • Bush made him do it!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sat, Feb 7, 2015, at 8:16 AM
  • Didn't Bush lie to the people to get his war in Iraq? Of course you right wingers or so called conservative don't like to have that pointed out.

    Still have a mess over there because of his lie.

    -- Posted by S&P1958 on Sat, Feb 7, 2015, at 4:57 PM
  • S&PP, why are you so slow to forgive bush, and so quick to forgive the big zero? Both lied, and people died! But then you don't give a crap if the liar had a "D" attached to their name, do you??


    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sat, Feb 7, 2015, at 8:25 PM
  • So, does this mean Mike will NOT be supporting Hillary Clinton, since she lied about being under sniper fire in Bosnia? Just curious

    -- Posted by burnt toast on Sun, Feb 8, 2015, at 6:24 AM
  • She's a "D" and Mike never met a "D" he didn't like!! So, yeah, he will support her!

    -- Posted by SWNEvacuee on Sun, Feb 8, 2015, at 9:33 PM
  • Mike At Night is a conservative. He's not a liberal. He's an "R" in "D's" clothing.

    -- Posted by bob s on Mon, Feb 9, 2015, at 4:57 PM
  • Sounds like SWNEvacuee needs a time out. Temper!!!

    -- Posted by S&P1958 on Mon, Feb 9, 2015, at 6:06 PM
  • This is the same "news" organization that hired an inexperienced and untrained Chelsea Clinton and paid her 10X what real news reporters get.

    Didn't nbc stage car explosions to damage GM? Broadcast news is not to be trusted. Just look at the narrative of the Denver theater shooting. They wanted so badly to stick it to the Tea Party, they actually found a guy with the same name, who is a Tea Partier, tried their hardest to stick it to him.

    The events of this week, a couple of muslims murdered, they tried desperately to stick it to the Christians or conservatives, instead it's a guy who thinks like Mike. And it may have been a parking dispute.

    Turn off the TV new shows and do your research, the web is there for more than looking at porn and commenting on tbe Gazette.

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Thu, Feb 12, 2015, at 7:41 AM
  • Al Sharpton on MSNBC I'd a true newsman with unbiased views and a clean tax paying record....or not!

    -- Posted by dennis on Sat, Feb 14, 2015, at 4:49 PM
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