Bring out Bianca
So I spent some time with my little nieces and nephews over the holidays and forgot what being 3 and 4 years old was kind of like. One really cool thing I was reminded of was the fact that sometimes it's okay to have an alter ego. Ya know, like an imaginary friend who can come and go as you please. There when you need them and gone when you don't.
I didn't get to formally meet my adorable little nephew's friend, Grego, but I did hear about him. Grego sounds like quite a little trouble maker, always getting my nephew into mischief. Now I don't know what Grego looks like or anything, but from hearing about his antics, I envisioned maybe resembling Dennis the Menace perhaps. Nonetheless, if my nephew is accused of doing anything wrong, he is quick to blame Grego for the incident, not himself.
So playing off the invisible friend topic, my middle daughter decided to introduce us to Carla on New Year's Eve night as we were playing some wild and crazy board games. Most of the night, it was my daughter as herself, but the later it got and the more sparkling cider she drank, all of the sudden Crazy Carla showed up and joined her at the table, creating a more hilarious and uninhibited version of my daughter.
Anytime a crass remark or spot on comeback came out of my daughter's mouth, she blamed it on Carla. We all decided we quite enjoyed Carla and wondered where she was all the time. By morning though, after partying 'til 1:30 a.m., my daughter informed me that Carla was gone.
All this got me thinking, that I'm not too old for my own alter ego. I mean, someone I can blame for my mood changes, or silly mistakes or out of control, late night laugh fest; whatever I do that make my family look at me like I've lost my mind. After some discussion about the idea, my daughters decided my alter ego name should be Bianca. So there ya go. Now when my kids see me dancing like a fool in the kitchen or cracking myself up with sarcastic remarks, they'll know Bianca has arrived.
And the opposite is true for the days that their mom has been replaced by a raving lunatic, stomping around the house barking orders at everyone; I'll get to blame it on her. Wasn't me, it was Bianca. Or maybe I'll take it even further and when I burn the dinner rolls or forget to send lunch money, it'll be Bianca's fault. Or if I don't let them have a sleepover or go to the late movie, they can just be mad at Bianca, not mom. I'll always be the cool one!
Bianca may be my new best friend. She can be the reason I talk uncontrollably after 9 p.m. or laugh hysterically at my own ridiculousness. She can be the blame for me losing my mind at my kids basketball game and yelling obnoxiously or whatever embarrassing thing that I do. I know it would never be me that acts that way. I'm much more mature than that. I know it wouldn't be me that searches frantically for my phone all while I'm carrying it in my pocket the whole time. I'm too organized for that nonsense. I'm certainly not to blame for loving and laughing with my kids one minute and then getting mad at them the next minute. That's Bianca behavior. I'm way more in control of my emotions for that.
Anyway, welcome Bianca. I'm glad you're here. You bring out the fun and wild side of me, as well as the forgetful and grouchy side. I'll handle the normal, well-adjusted side and you can have the rest!