Businesses reaching out to veterans

Friday, November 7, 2014
Jen Warwick of Jen's Nail Gallery at West Side Cuts puts the finishing touches on a client Thursday evening. The salon is one of several local businesses offering free haircuts or other services to Veterans and active duty personnel in the coming days. (Bruce Baker/McCook Gazette)

McCOOK, Neb. -- Several McCook businesses are coordinating promotions in the coming days in honor of area military Veterans. El Puerto Mexican Restaurant, Studio 205, Jen's Nail Gallery and GK Photograph & Videography are among those offering free goods or services to Veterans.

Gayl Korus with GK Photograph & Videography is offering to take family photos for Veterans on Sunday, Nov. 9, and provide an electronic copy of the session free of charge. Any contributions made by participants will also be donated to the Wounded Warriors Project. Veterans or their family members must call Korus in advance to schedule an appointment at 308-340-6821.

Studio 205 on West 7th Street in McCook is also taking appointments for free haircuts from all active duty service members and Veterans on Monday, Nov. 10. The business also plans to donate any proceeds to the Wounded Warriors Project. Contact Michelle at 308-345-2551 to schedule an appointment.

Local volunteers with Jen's Nail Gallery at West Side Cuts on West 9th Street in McCook are providing free haircuts to all active duty service members and Veterans on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 10-11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Haircuts, cookies and coffee are available on a first come, first served basis. Appointments may be arranged ahead of time by contacting Jen Warwick at 712-355-1192.

El Puerto Mexican Restaurant on Norris Avenue is offering a free lunch to Veterans from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11. Veteran's may choose from combinations lunch menu items 1 through 10.

The collaborated efforts to show support and gratitude for area Veterans are largely the result of volunteer work coordinated by the Facebook page "Volunteering for Veterans." Founder Jen Warwick said she started the page and began soliciting other businesses for support as a way to show her gratitude and appreciation to her father for his service, Vietnam Veteran and Silver Star recipient Bill Warwick of Cambridge.

Bill Warwick's heroic story was featured in the Gazette in 2012 and can be found online at:

Jen Warwick said response has been great since she started reaching out to other businesses and has even helped trigger activity in other communities and out-of-state.

Individuals or businesses wishing to participate can contact Jen via the Facebook page or by calling 712-355-1192.

Programs set

Veterans Day programs include one at 9 a.m. Tuesday at McCook Elementary, 1:15 p.m. Tuesday at St. Patrick School, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Southwest Public Schools gym in Bartley, 11 a.m. Tuesday at Hitchcock County High School in Trenton and 2 p.m. Tuesday at the elementary school gym in Stratton.

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