Taking out Turn Two
Charlie Collins wipes out Turn Two of the stock car race track on the Red Willow County fairgrounds in McCook, Nebraska, performing early dirt work for the new "Alice Kiplinger Building," a warm-up arena and multi-purpose building that will complete a triangle of horse arenas given to the county by McCook-area rancher Tom Kiplinger. The new building will measure 130x130 feet and cover 16,900 square feet. The building will sit north of the St. Patrick's Catholic Church food booth and south of a fairgrounds maintenance shop at the Q Street entrance/exit. Its location necessitates the elimination of the race track. Engineer Jeff Tidyman, of Engineering International, will open bids for the new building Monday at 2 p.m., at his office at 402 Norris Ave., and present them to fair board members at their regular meeting Wednesday.