
Jennifer Morgan

Motherhood Moments

-- Jennifer Morgan is the mother of three girls and lives in McCook.

Small town Nebraska mom

Thursday, October 2, 2014

We haven't always lived in a small town. My big girls were born in a big city in Colorado and my youngest was born in a mid-size city in Oklahoma ... none born into the life of small town Nebraska. Their younger years consisted of freeways and skyscrapers and millions of other people with all kinds of backgrounds. Hubby and I longed to raise them in rural Nebraska and five years ago, we received our wish. Sometimes I think about how different their lives would be if we would have stayed in the metro areas and I say a prayer of thanks for where He's placed us. Now I am an official Small Town Nebraska Mom and here's are few reasons why:

We can make it from home to the school building in less than 5 minutes.

All three of my girls' schools are within walking distance of each other.

My girls don't have to try out for their school sports. There's a team for everyone.

75 percent of my daughter's friends live in the county.

There's a corn field only 5 blocks from our house ... and we live in town.

We often have to brake for turkeys and the occasional deer in the street on the way to school.

95 percent of the kids in my daughters' schools, sport some sort of Husker gear and are proud of it!

My oldest daughter wants a 4-wheel-drive pickup when she turns 16, only because most of her friends drive them.

My daughters put cowboy boots, camo and ATV's on their Christmas lists.

More times than not, my kids are related to at least one player on the opposing team during school sporting events. Away games can become a mini family reunion.

If my daughter takes a shine to a certain boy, all I have to do is make a couple calls to a few key locals to find out if he's a keeper or not.

My daughters practice softball on a field out in the country surrounded by farm fields and dirt roads.

The county fair is the most exciting part of my girls' summer.

Everyone in the neighborhood knows immediately which kid belongs to which house, even if they have no idea what their names are.

My 7 year old and her little friends can ride bikes around the neighborhood until the sun goes down without a lot of worry on my part.

When I'm not home, my neighbors know if there's someone at my house that shouldn't be, or on the other hand, can be available if my kids are scared or need help.

My girls' know that on Fridays, it's the Bison, Huskers on Saturdays, and church on Sundays and they look forward to each.

My girls' lives these days revolve around God, family, friends, school, and sports. That's how I'd always hoped it would be for them and now that we're living right in the heart of it, I'm proud of to call myself a Small Town Nebraska Mom.

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